Thursday, August 30, 2012



Almost all of us no matter what method of hair removal we opt for endure an amazing amount of pain. 
All so we can comfortably go out shoe shopping without fearing that the dreaded 'Blue Beard' will be visible as we sit and enjoy that mid shop Latte and Brioche . Sitting in your favourite cafe fearing that the person in front of you is counting your regrowth.

Its the one thing all of us stress about the most. I myself used to do a double shave in the morning (one with the beard and one against), just so I could feel comfortable enough to walk out the door. Too bad if was going out at night, as I would have to repeat the exercise again. Causing even more damage to my skin.
Having endured  IPL, Laser And Electrolysis all with no pain management plan in place I know first hand just how mentally agonising it can be to lay down for three or more hours while you try to stay still and cry through the painful parts  ( an hour of Electrolysis is all I can bear on my Upper Lip before I break down)

My next session in a week or so is on my Upper Lip and I can tell you now I'll be paying a visit to the local dentist for a 'Dental Blocker" as I am so over enduring more agony. Thankfully I don't have that many hairs left to go.  But it would be nice to be totally hair free.

My good friend and Electrologist posted some advice for people undergoing hair removal. and this advice could be used no matter what method of permanent hair removal your enduring.

1)  Drugs: Strong medication is not always the most effective method as there are two separate pain pathways. Consider taking one 'Nurophen' and one 'Panadol' that will block both pathways.
Any of the over the counter medications that contain Codeine, are not effective enough to really give you that narcotic affect yet can become addictive.
High doses of any medications, are an issue to your Electrologist. There is nothing worse than picking your client up off of the floor when the treatment is over. Whilst laying on the slabs being treated most clients will remain quite still for a an extended period, at times with tensed up muscles, and restricted blood flow throughout the body. When the treatment is over and the client starts to move so do the medications.
Wow what a rush or Wow what a downer.
If you are taking anything at all tell the Electrologist before you start.

2). Sleep:Get a really good night sleep, resulting in lower cortisol levels. Cortisol heightens the senses, part of the fight or flight response as well. Your levels will be Much lower first thing in the morning, so if you are really sensitive book an early morning session rather than later in the day as your cortisol levels increase throughout the day. A good dose of vitamin D before bedtime the night before helps to bring the levels down. 

3). The morning of your treatment make sure you have a good balanced breakfast, not a big greasy one though. You will feel a lot more comfortable. Your body will be burning lots of energy while you are laying there, particularly if you are stressed.

4). That morning CAFFEINE hit. Its best give that one a wide birth. Caffeine heightens the senses, you don't really want to step on the starting blocks waiting for the starters gun to go off. 

5). Numbing Creams: Some numbing creams are a huge no no for electrolysis treatments. The active ingredients are not to much of an issue, but the carrier is. Look for a lipid base not a water base. 
Water base carriers are a no no because they change the moisture gradient of the skin, causing the electrolysis treatment to take place much higher up in the follicle, causing a lot more discomfort, whilst potently causing more damage to the upper dermis as a result, offsetting the treatment to the lower 2/3rds making it less effective and more painful.
Generally the topical treatments that require a cover over the cream once applied are water based, where lipid based creamed do not require a cover for them to penetrate the skin.
Water based creams generally will leave you with a lot more inflammation and redness than a lipid base cream.

6). Skin Care If you are moisturising, like you should be. (good skin care, Moisturizing. assists the Electrologist enormously), it is a good idea to stop it 24 to 48 hours before your electrolysis treatment, as the moisture gradient in the skin changes. 
A good moisturizer with AHA's is best as the dead skin cells are cleared from the surface allowing faster and more accurate insertions. and way more comfortable for the client as well. It's tough sometimes trying to insert a probe along the hair shaft when the skin resembles a piece of weathered cow hide, well that is way too extreme a comment, but the terminology gets used amongst electrologists.
You will clear larger areas if you can make it easier to insert the probe.

7). Alcohol:  While it may deaden the senses, it's a little extreme. At least in the volume of alcohol that becomes effective. 
You still need to  be able to get to your appointment, and back home safely.

8). Dental Blockers:Dental blockers are an option for the upper lip if you are supper sensitive. Some not all dentists will perform this for a small fee just have someone with you if you hate needles or think you may feel nauseous after, there is nothing more harrowing than having to find your own way to an Hair removal appointment  when you feel like crap 

Hope this information helps some of you 
Alice Paige

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